Printing Checks

Checks are printed via a web-based Online Check Printing center that is part of the CCH SFS Web site. When you go to print checks from the product, you are sent to the login page for the Online Check Printing Center.

Any check with the status of Authorized can be printed. A check is authorized if it has an Authorization number on the Bank Products in the Bank Manager.

You must be authorized to use Online Check Printing. If you are not authorized to use Online Check Printing, please contact your sales representative.

To print checks:

You must be connected to the Internet to print checks.

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Go to
  3. From the Bank Manager, click the Print Checks button.
  4. From the Bank Manager, click the Disbursements menu; then, select Print Checks.
  5. Press Ctrl+H.

The Client Login screen appears.

  1. Enter your Client ID, Username, and Password.
  2. Click Login.

Online Check Printing webpage

  1. For step-by-step instructions on check printing, click the Help tab on the left of the page. (This opens Online Check Printing help.)
  2. Review the Overview and Print Checks topics.


See Also:

Disbursements Tab